mission statement
We are called to live out the creative, inclusive, radical and transforming love of Jesus Christ. We endeavour to do this through blending and partnering with our communities; celebrating what we have in common and respecting differences.
We are a diverse worshipping community with a contemporary programme of praise, reflection and learning which enables us to be transformed to reflect our values. Targets for 2020-2025:
Live streaming of Sunday services
Expand current bible study session; enabling more informal sessions, online groups and creative study sessions
Develop weekday opportunities for prayer and reflection
We are in partnership with a thriving Christian arts centre. As a wider family we believe in the transforming power of the arts, gifted by the Holy Spirit. Targets for 2020-2025:
Formalising the partnership between The Lantern Methodist Church and The Lantern Arts
Sensitively update, refresh and improve our buildings through The Lantern Centre Project
We commit to sharing with our local communities; safe spaces, opportunities and creative tools to explore, develop and deepen our experience as human beings. Targets for 2020-2025:
Strengthen and develop links with the wider communities.
Provide accessible buildings (emotionally and physically)
Following the calling of the Methodist Church we endeavour to become lifelong learners; seeking to live with differences and to hold one another in love. Targets for 2020-2025:
Deepen our links with Churches Together in West Wimbledon
Expand opportunities to gather with other faith communities
Provide e-learning services
We believe all are truly welcome; reaching out to the margins of our communities, enabling social justice movements and discerning how we may serve all. Targets for 2020-2025:
Improve our environmental impact
Affordable access to performances and paid activities
Continue to develop our programmes designed to combat loneliness and social isolation.